Attractions in the vicinity of Magic Plaza Eilat

Home Hotels Eilat Attractions in the vicinity of Magic Plaza Eilat

Attractions and activities that will raise your energy level

Freedom cannot be called proper if it does not include a variety of attractions and activities that will raise your energy level. This is why you will find a huge variety of attractions in the Magic Plaza Eilat area . The good news is, you do not have to go far to find them. Many of the attractions are located on the hotel grounds, so access to them could not be simpler. This huge variety of activities allows all hotel guests, of all ages, to enjoy a quality, fun and unforgettable vacation.

Performances for Kids

This fun activity is primarily for kids Hosted at Magic Palace Eilat About for its investment in the field. As part of it, the children themselves become talented actors and perform on the hotel stage. The children learn the secrets of the stage under the auspices of skilled instructors and fulfill their dream of performing in front of their parents, family and other hotel guests.

Fatal Station

The hotel offers attractions in the Magic Plaza Eilat area for those whose gaming flows in their veins. The multimedia stands allow teens and teens to enjoy the most advanced experience with Xbox, PS3 and other state-of-the-art Xbox consoles.

Dance parties

If you like to dance and are looking for attractions in the Magic Plaza Eilat area , as part of which you can tear up the dance floor, then You will definitely enjoy dance parties with music and hits of all time. The atmosphere team will take care of getting you in the right pace.

Double Dive Experience

For those who want to get a little out of the hotel and want to experience something new and invigorating, this experience can be the ultimate experience for them. You can descend to the depths of the Red Sea with dedicated wetsuits and accompanied by a guide, and be exposed to the spectacular sights, which can only be seen underwater. Of course, the experience will start with a basic diving course, where you will receive initial training. Those who experience this appetite will of course be able to move on to more advanced depth dives.

Romantic cruise on the Red Sea

As has often been said, happiness is in the small details. You can go on a romantic cruise in the Red Sea and watch the sunset while you are in the middle of the sea. In order to make the experience perfect you can enjoy a good bottle of champagne accompanied by a cheese platter or sliced ​​fruit. It is definitely one of the most romantic experiences there is, and it is highly recommended for all couples who want to spice up their vacation with an unforgettable intimate experience.

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